Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Grand Schemes

Looking at Ecclesiastes recently makes me think about Grand Schemes - those things that seem so vitally important at the time! On reflection very few of them actually count for much despite the effort and worry that went into them at the time. I think it's true of projects invented by churches, but they serve another purpose - that of occupying (and therefore keeping) the members.
I have a vague recollection of a comedian who used the phrase 'What's the bloody point' as a sort of middle name; sums up Ecclesiastes really. However there's a big but (all jokes already made). Behind it all and in spite of it all there's still God. I've always had the suspicion that God was quite capable of inconveniencing and energising large numbers of people to get one thing across to the benefit of just one person. Maybe our view of Grand Schemes should be in the light of this. Maybe there's not a point, maybe there's not a point that we can see, but maybe that's not the point!!!!
Before we get too convoluted maybe I'm trying to say that asking 'What's the bloody point?' is pointless in itself. Not everything has to have a purpose! Don't get me started on Rick Warren, but I wonder if just 'being' is valid, doing something because it 'seems right at the time' is OK, and much of our frustration with life is because of constantly trying to find the 'point'.


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