Friday, July 16, 2004


I was struck by a comment from a friend that someone he knew was asked if he was lonely. His reply was that there was no possibility of loneliness as he knew Jesus.
Now, on the one hand, I'm very impressed by that as it speaks of a depth of faith and relationship rarely encountered these days. On the other hand I am slightly disturbed by it. I know that those imprisoned for their faith and kept in solitary confinement (Richard Wurmbrand being a classic example) often experience such a depth of relationship with God that sustains them through such trials. There is also the Biblical record of creation speaking of that relationship being inadequate in normal circumstances, hence the creation of both sexes and inevitable procreation.
Yes, I want that sort of relationship with Jesus - but I don't want to live in an isolationist society where the infirm, elderly or embarrassing are tucked away in effective solitary confinement. I also don't want to put myself out to create the sort of society I want, despite the fact that I have the feeling that I'll want that society more as the years roll on.


Blogger LucyRainbow said...

we need each other as well as God. Relationship is like a triad bewteen God, individuals and other people.

Somehow when people say they dont need any people it just doesnt ring true, and misses the point also of relational living.


1:39 pm  

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