Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Christmas Church

I haven't been to a 'proper' church service for a long time now. My children have decided that we're going to church on Christmas day. A friend commented last night that I'll be able to see it from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't go to church, and I certainly will.
So what do I find scary? (I actually do!)
  • Parking and people watching me walking to the building.
  • Crossing the 'threshold'.
  • People saying they haven't seen me for a long time with the implication that I should have inhabited their space.
  • Not being able to find a seat for us to be together.
  • Being expected to 'do' things.
  • Communal singing.
  • Being ignored.
  • Not being able to comment.
Pretty pathetic really, but having spent so long in an environment where people don't understand why others don't come to their church, it probably serves me right and is good for my soul.


Blogger Peter and Heather King said...

Look forward to? I suppose there are always those who genuinely reflect a Christ-like attitude when you meet them. I look forward to one experience like that. One will do. The process, the 'service' holds no attraction for me whatsoever. I would genuinely like to be surprised, and maybe secretly hold a faint hope that I will be.

8:59 am  

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