Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Can the church progress?

I attended a meeting last night at the church to which our group is loosely connected. First time I'd been in the church building for a while, good to see some old friends. The meeting was something to which a number of people were specially invited to explore how the church can form new congregations practising new forms of church. As always I try not to get my hopes up with these things therefore I was not disappointed. The meeting consisted of about 30 people sitting in a circle with about 40% saying something and the leader of the meeting trying to distill their comments into one line on a flip chart. The emphasis seemed to be to fit everything into headings relating to accountability, responsibility, etc. The only thing I might have found upsetting was that Third was used as an example of how not to do things. I was not upset because I expected it and can see that most people have not even begun to understand how much we put into the group that was Third and how much the remnant of Third means to us now. It is a lifeline, an opportunity to share God and everything He means to us in an environment that doesn't judge, have hidden agendas or expectations; an environment that accepts and loves the people that we are; an opportunity to explore meaningful ways of worship. Sounds like church to me.


Blogger hadge said...

I'm not really sure if a bunch of people who function as an ongoing 'established' church can get together in a circle and flip chart what 'forms' of alternative church should look like to be honest. Seems to me you have to have come to the end of what you thought church is, was or should be - before you can move on to honestly explore 'new' forms. Least ways that's my experience - people fall off the edge or 'wake up' and wonder what it's all about. Sadly, many simply stop attending and make no effort to redefine (and who could blame them?) but a small number can't shake off the need to 'be church' and so they keep on exploring. There is no reason why such groups could not be given some sort of support by the 'parent' church - but it has to be unconditional and compassionate if it isn't to turn into a marketing process, which attempts to replicate the same model with a different wrapper . . .

9:53 am  

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