Thursday, February 19, 2004

Another week has gone by and so has Colossians 2. It's full of things like 'stop fussing and get on with it', 'don't get caught up in endless arguments and details', don't get hidebound by religious rules', 'you know what it's all about so just get on and live it'. Forgive the paraphrasing but that's how I understand it!
I do want to live it, and I hope that in some way I do. It would be nice if the 'living it' were much more up front and vital though.
We discussed the bit that says the universe is empty without Christ. Does that mean that people without Christ experience that emptiness constantly? I'm not so sure about that; the people I know who have shown no interest in him are not constantly searching for some relief to this emptiness, they're much too busy living their lives, often doing a lot of good where they can in the process. In the past Christianity has been proposed as an answer to 'God-shaped holes' (oh dear!) implying that the emptiness is universally experienced. Is it true? What is the attraction of Christianity? In crude terms how do you sell it? My suspicion is that God seeks people out (several biblical references spring to mind); this results in a longing, a desire, even an emptiness (i.e. a feeling) causing people to search for information to explain what's happening to them in order to make an appropriate response. If this is so then it contributes to the objectivity/subjectivity debate as it's a case of the subjective being the instigator. Perhaps I'm getting lost in endless arguments and details so I'll stop there.


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