Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Here's a fledgling thought or two:
There's a lot of fuss about women in church circles. Us blokes are happy to let them run our lives in all other respects but there still seems to be this authority thing in churches. (Sorry guys if you hadn't realised that we are controlled by women, maybe it's wisdom borne of age that's coming through here!)
Isn't it odd (even obscure) that Eve came from Adam's rib?
Where have all the pagan references to Mother Earth come from?
If God is the Father then who is the Mother? If there is no Mother then the term Father has no meaning.
Isn't it interesting that creation is still creating? Growth, life, new ideas, etc. are still going on.
What if the pagans had it nearly right and the christians got scared? What if the mother in the story is creation itself?
What if Adam and Eve form a sort of allegory of God emitting (better word needed) a creation (Eve) which then continues the creating process having been sort of fertilised?
What if the term Father implies a relationship rather than an authority - a continuous caring and overseeing and loving and protecting?
What if we could solve all these problems relating to what we allow women to do (such arrogance!) by understanding that it's all about relationship rather than authority?


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