Monday, January 27, 2003

An extract from an article in Relevant Magazine

Our mission is no smaller than the early church’s, no less risky. Yet we have caved in. We have surrendered to large budgets, political power and persuasive rhetoric. In many respects, we have lost the core of our message: We are a community of ragged pilgrims, a simple band who understands that the Kingdom is not something we build “out there,” but it is something we live “in here.”

And so we gather. And we bemoan our culture and raise our funds so we can build our castles. We invoke biblical principles to move each other toward moral living. We offer words to the world, but we rarely offer our heart. We have strategy and books and cultural acumen. We are wealthy and educated and powerful. And the world is unmoved.

For we don’t share our lives together, praying lives or praying meals. And we don’t truly live together. And we don’t love.

And the world isn’t changed.


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